嫌音乐吵的话,请到页面的最下面按“pause”, 谢谢=)
Scroll to the end of the page and click "PAUSE" if the music ANNOYING you, thanks =)


Just my feeling

I'm so confuse right now
I dunno what u thinking
and what u want

u are so care about me
u care about what i doing
care about who i talking with
u care everythings about me
but did u concern about me??
did u ever think what's my feeling??
what i'm thinking??

Don't ignore me while i talking to u..
as if i'm disturbing u..

Maybe I'd really annoyed u
u can tell me if i really irritated u actually
i will keep myself away from u

Well, forgive my broken english..
lazy to type chinese..

there's something wrong for my visitor counter..
total visitors 220
daily visitors 223
ki siao..= =

